Challenging times call to challenge the status-quo...

...And that's exactly what we've done.

Let us introduce to you, Foamstream's first interactive tool - our new VIRTUAL DEMO.

A step-by-step walk through of everything you would discuss and see in our usual on-site live demos - brought to you in the comfort of your own home or office. 

The virtual demo covers:

  • An introduction to Foamstream, the process and what makes it so effective.
  • A step-by-step virtual field demo taking you through the Foamstream L12 machine, its simple set up, including how it works and its multi-functional applications.
  • It next goes on to cover Foamstream's deep clean and sanitisation functionality and how this can be used to help reduce the spread of bacteria and harmful viruses.
  • The final section covers the facts and figures around Foamstream including costing, treatment cycles, biodiversity and general use.

If you are interested in having a virtual demo with you local Foamstream representative, please fill out the form today.

Any questions? 
Please get in touch at or call +44 203 909 0050.